Monday, September 24, 2012

Bon Iver "winding it down"

Wow.  Can't say I saw this coming, but it kind of makes this effort a little more significant for me.  More thoughts later.

Story here.

Bon Iver live

Here's a link to a free streaming replay of last Friday's show at NYC's Radio City Music Hall. This should be up for a couple of days. Enjoy.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Drill solo

As I work through and audition different tracks, certain ones stand out.  In this case, it's because of a non-traditional instrument being used to emphasize an impactful part of the song.  Justin uses what sounds like a dentist's drill to add an almost tense undertone to the chorus.

Here it is by itself:

And in context (it's audible if you listen close):

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Perth - more intro

So to share the direction my first remix is taking me, here's the same guitar clip I sampled and chopped in more of a rough intro context.  Still trying out ideas, but there are also some original vocal samples thrown in and rearranged.  Once I feel comfortable with the general vibe of the intro, I'll most likely start auditioning various chordings in and around Eb and attach a keyboard sound.  However, even I can't bring myself to do this at the moment.  Synthesizers are inherently geeky and should not be part of the Saturday night social calendar.  That would just be sad.


Sunday, September 2, 2012

Perth - intro

So, Perth.  Like most of the others, it's got plenty of instrumentation.  It's also far from the most complicated song on the album.  The majority of instruments are doing something similar, so it's easier to make changes and "affect" the track a certain way without playing a ton of new parts, or switching things up too drastically.  I also wanted something familiar in the first minute of the recording.  Everyone knows the first song on any album they like.  I've moved some background vocals around and reengineered the main guitar sound that is Perth.  It's that unmistakable guitar riff, only different.  I'll probably post a longer sample as I put more time in, but here is that (soloed) guitar part.