Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Perth final draft

Setting the tone

How do I carefully wrap up the first song when it not only should be entertaining and tasteful, but also an introduction to the larger body of work? These decisions can take on a million different directions, but I think I've settled on a sound that works pretty well. It's driven but not too dancey. Going into this, I didn't know how natural it would feel to turn songs like this into a track like "that." Turns out, not very.

All the lyrics are intact, and mostly in the same order, with a few variations. The end result is something that, to my ear, sounds very linear, almost band-driven, as opposed to a loop-based track. As I reserve the right of revision, it's never final 'till its final. So, Perth final draft to come soon. Happy Halloween.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Official remix comp results

So Justin has chosen his favorite remixes over at Indaba.  Some great submissions and kind of humbling, to tell the truth.  It seems that he didn't necessarily go for the popular or obvious choice.  I'm hearing all kinds of different interpretations on Spotify, where a remix album was released with all the winners.  Justin took the time to comment personally on a lot of submissions, which I think is above and beyond.  In the past, bands with far less of a following have failed to post up anything until the end of a competition.  I'll link you to the Indaba page for those who may not have Spotify.  Just click on the individual song titles on the right hand side of the page.  As I've said before, all efforts documented on this blog are not related to the contest, other than the sourcing of stems.

Click here.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Evening session

While putting some time in, I had a studio visitor tonight.  Just one picture before I was made to throw her ball a few times.  Still doing some instrumentation and arranging.  Looking for just the right style of bass.  Drums are getting there.  Patience is a virtue.